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Hvilke oplysninger har vi behov for i forbindelse med etablering af kapitalselskab
Advokat Jacob Tøjner er forpligtet til at indhente en række oplysninger om Klienten til brug for fx identifikation af klienten. For eksempel til anmeldelse/indberetning til myndigheder og opfyldelse af offentligretlige krav til viden om klienten.
Dette gælder bl.a. navn, adresser, herunder postadresse, CVR-nummer, oplysninger om klientens juridiske form. Det gælder endvidere den kontrollerende ejerkreds, ledelsen og tegningsreglerne samt oplysninger om en virksomheds reelle ejere. Ved udenlandsk adresse skal tillige indhentes oplysning om hjemland og udenlandsk skatteydernummer (TIN nummer). Advokat Jacob Tøjner er endvidere forpligtet til at indhente dokumentation for oplysningerne.
I øvrigt indhenter Advokat Jacob Tøjner oplysninger, som Advokat Jacob Tøjner efter en risikovurdering, finder er nødvendige. Alt for at sikre opfyldelse af loven. For at sikre, at klienten kan for eksempel etablere kapitalselskab via bistand fra Advokat Jacob Tøjner, indhenter Advokat Jacob Tøjner oplysninger om statsborgerskab, skatteydernummer, oplysninger om LEI kode (legal entity identifier) og/eller andre oplysninger krævet af myndighederne. Personoplysninger, der er indhentet i henhold til hvidvaskloven, og som ikke er generelle personoplysninger, må kun behandles med henblik på forebyggelse af hvidvask og finansiering af terrorisme
Attorney Jacob Tøjner is obliged to obtain a number of information about the Client for use, for example, to identify the client, for example for notification/reporting to authorities and fulfillment of public law requirements for knowledge about the client.
This applies, among other things, to name, addresses, including postal address, CVR number, information about the client’s legal form, the controlling group of owners, management and subscription rules, as well as information about a company’s beneficial owners. In the case of a foreign address, information on home country and foreign taxpayer number (TIN number) must also be obtained. Attorney Jacob Tøjner is also obliged to obtain documentation for the information.
In addition, Attorney Jacob Tøjner obtains information that Attorney Jacob Tøjner, after a risk assessment, finds necessary to ensure compliance with the law. To ensure that the client can, for example, establish a capital company via the assistance of Advokat Jacob Tøjner, Advokat Jacob Tøjner obtains information about citizenship, taxpayer number, information about the LEI code (legal entity identifier) and/or other information required by the authorities. Personal data obtained in accordance with the Money Laundering Act, which is not general personal data, may only be processed for the purpose of preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
The legal basis for the law firm’s processing of personal data is one or more of the following:
The following natural and legal persons will, to the relevant extent, be able to access personal data as part of the law firm’s case processing:
Sharing/disclosure takes place only where it is necessary for the Law Firm’s processing of a case and related administrative and financially justified tasks, for example invoicing.
Personal data can, when it is relevant for the processing of the case, be transferred to other countries both within and outside the EU. The law firm carefully selects its business partners and attaches great importance to ensuring that information about cases is always treated confidentially.
The law firm stores the personal data for as long as it (i) is relevant for the law firm’s performance of the duties, (ii) is necessary to meet any claims that may be raised against the klinten or the law firm, and in addition (iii) as long as it is necessary to could look after the client’s interests and meet the client’s needs.
The personal data is deleted as a rule 5 years after the end of the case, but this depends on a specific assessment in each individual case.
In this assessment, emphasis is placed on the nature of the assistance provided, documentation considerations and the relevant legislation, including in particular the bookkeeping rules, the rules on conflict of interest and general rules on the limitation of property law claims, as well as the client’s need to be able to access the information in the future.
A client can terminate the law firm’s duties at any time, just as an appointment can be terminated by the appointing authority. However, even in this situation, the law firm is subject to a number of rules and obligations which make it necessary to store the personal data for a longer period.
The law firm secures personal data through both technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the registered person’s information against unauthorized access, manipulation, destruction/deletion or loss of information.
The law firm uses ParagrafPro / Fagerdata ApS as system supplier for processing, and personal data is stored on servers operated in-house. .
Data processing agreements have been entered into which guarantee the relevant, recommended and statutory security measures and consequent protection of the personal data processed by the law firm.
The law firm has determined that other lawyers and employees at the law firm may only access personal data, to the extent that this is relevant for the processing of the case. The persons in the law firm who gain access to personal data are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
The natural person about whom the law firm stores information, including typically the client, has the following rights in relation to the law firm:
The law firm does not inform a person who is not a client about this personal data policy, including the person’s rights according to this section, if the law firm’s processing of the personal data is covered by the law firm’s duty of confidentiality, and this will be compromised by the information.