Advokat Jacob Tøjner | advokatfirmaet Jacob Tøjner, cvr 28164602
Advokat Jacob Tøjner er beskikket af Justitsministeriet og en del af Advokatsamfundet.
Faglige Regler
Advokat Jacob Tøjner er underlagt følgende Faglige Regler: – reglerne i Retsplejelovens §§ 119-147; – Vedtægten for Advokatsamfundet; – Advokatsamfundets Vedtægt for Klientkonti; – De Advokatetiske Regler; – Lov om EU-advokaters etablering i Danmark m.v. Disse regler kan ses på Advokatsamfundets hjemmeside under Regler. Advokat Jacob Tøjner er desuden omfattet af Det Europæiske Fællesskabs regler om god advokatskik, som ligeledes fremgår af Advokatsamfundets hjemmeside.
Aftaleklausuler om lovvalg og/eller værneting
Advokat Jacob Tøjner anvender ikke aftaleklausuler om lovvalg og/eller værneting, medmindre dette aftales med klienten. Advokat Jacob Tøjner samarbejder med andre om ydelse af bistand efter aftale med klienten, og giver på klientens anmodning oplysninger om de foranstaltninger, som er truffet for at undgå eventuelle interessekonflikter i den henseende.
Advokat Jacob Tøjner er ansvarsforsikringsselskabet i CNA Forsikring, Hammerensgade 6, 1, 1267 København K, der tillige omfatter den lovpligtige garantiordning iht. Advokatsamfundets fastsatte regler. Ansvarsforsikringen dækker al advokatvirksomhed, uanset hvor advokatvirksomheden udøves.
Ved bestilling via ditselskab™ skal du anvende de bestillingsblanketter, som du finder her på sitet. Du skal sende eller aflevere en blanket til advokat Jacob Tøjner, Cvr 28 16 46 02. Jacob Tøjner er en del af kontorfællesskabet Sankt Petri Advokater, men driver egen personlige virksomhed. Du finder CVR-nummer ovenfor eller nederst på siden.
Du er først klient, når vi accepterer din bestilling
Din sag vurderes, når vi har modtaget blanketten, de krævede ID kort, kapitalen som skal anvendes til etablering af det bestilte selskab. Vores bistand er en standardydelse, hvortil der ikke er knyttet konkret advokatrådgivning, medmindre det aftales. Vi har således ikke analyseret, hvorvidt dit valg af for eksempel selskabsform er det mest optimale, i det du som bekendt ikke betaler for denne analyse.
Prisen for et bestilt selskab fremgår af den side, hvor du bestiller dit kapitalselskab.
Anvender du blanketten til bestilling, opnår du den der angivne omkostning for stiftelse af selskabet.
Anvender du ikke blanketten gælder de ordinære vilkår for advokatbistand fra advokat Jacob Tøjner, hvorved forstås at du som erhvervsklient uden nærmere aftale har engageret advokat Jacob Tøjner som advokat for dig. I udgangspunktet gælder herefter at ydelsen til dig afregnes efter medgået tid.
Et eller andet sted giver det anførte god mening, hvis du tænker over det. Hvis vi skal afholde møde, drøfte konkrete forhold omkring din påtænkte stiftelse af selskab. Anvende tid på at indhente store mængder information om de parter, der måske skal deltage i stiftelsen, så skal den medgåede tid dertil betales. Årsagen er at blanketterne er til for de enkle sager. Hvis skal have installeret en vandhane af en VVS mand, så forudsætter installationen, at der er tilgængelige rør at montere den på. Er der ikke det, så bliver projektet dyrere. Det siger lidt sig selv.
Vi skal modtage farvekopi af gyldigt sygesikringsbevis, og farvekopi af dit kørekort eller dit pas. Dette krav følger af “Lov om forebyggende foranstaltninger mod hvidvaskning af penge”. Er stifter et selskab, skal vi modtage tilsvarende info på selskabet og selskabets ledelse. Se detaljer i forbindelse med bestilling. Denne lov følger vi naturligvis.
Du kan altid uploade krypteret til os her.
Indbetales på klientkontoen
Ditselskab™ konceptet baseres på, at du indbetaler selskabskapitalen & omkostninger & moms til en af vore klientkonti i en af de banker, hvor vi er repræsenteret. Når kapitalen er bogført modtaget hos os, kan vi registrere selskabet som advokat for dig. Vi modtager herefter CVR nummer, og selskabet er registreret.
Den indskudte selskabskapitalen indestår kun på klientkonto hos os, indtil selskabet er registreret og vi har modtaget selskabets kontonummer direkte fra selskabets bank. Herefter overfører vi hurtigst muligt kapitalen til selskabets nye konto i selskabets bank. Der er naturligvis mulighed for at anvende os med kapitalen beroende i Selskabets bank. Kontakt os for konkret aftale herom. Indeståender på klientkontoen forrentes ikke overfor klienten.
Oppetid hos Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen
‘Vore ydelser er afhængige af oppetid hos Erhvervsstyrelsens onlinesystemer. Derfor må vi naturligvis tage forbehold for performance på dette punkt. Opstår forsinkelse som følge af nedetid hos Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen, kan vores ydelse til dig blive forsinket. Som følge heraf, kan vi ikke påtage os ansvaret for forsinkelser. Medmindre vi har aftalt det konkret garanterer vi ikke nogen leveringstid.
Manuel behandling
Erhvervsstyrelsen kan udtage din sag til manuel behandling. Denne behandling har til formål at sikre såkaldt selskabskontrol. Læs mere herom her. I det omfang en sag udtages til manuel behandling af Erhvervsstyrelsen, afhænger vores leverance 100% af Erhvervsstyrelsens sagsbehandling.
Advokater er underlagt lov om hvidvaskning
Advokater er underlagt lov om hvidvaskning, og derfor er vi underlagt principperne om ‘KYC’, altså ‘Know Your Client’ eller på dansk, kend din klient.
Når du anmoder om advokatbistand, skal du derfor ofte uploade en række personlige oplysninger og dokumentationer (persondata). Blanketten er ikke udtømmende for den handler kun om dig som person. Alt der kræves, kræves som følge af lov om hvidvaskning, jfr. mere nedenfor om persondata.
Efter modtagelsen af din anmodning gennemgår vi denne hurtigst muligt. Der kan dog gå op til flere arbejdsdage, før du får svar. Haster din sag, skal du derfor ringe til os og aftale nærmere med min paralegal Merete Ynill. Vi ser frem til at hjælpe dig med din sag.
English version below
Registrering og behandling af personoplysninger
Hvis den registrerede har indvendinger mod Advokatfirmaets behandling af dennes personoplysninger, opfordres den registrerede til at kontakte Advokatfirmaet v/advokat Jacob Tøjner på: jt @ sanktpetri-advokater . dk
Den registrerede har også ret til at klage til Datatilsynet i forhold til sine rettigheder og over Advokatfirmaets behandling af den pågældendes personoplysninger. For yderligere oplysninger henvises til Datatilsynets hjemmeside
Øvrige vilkår: følg dette link:
Data Protection | The Data Protection Act
Registration and processing of personal data
The law firm Jacob Tøjner, CVR no. 28164602, (“the law firm”) conducts legal business from the address Nørregade 45, 1165 København K, and as part of this receives personal data about clients and other natural persons.
The law firm is responsible (data controller) for the processing of this personal data, and the law firm’s processing of the personal data is subject to the terms of this Personal Data Policy.
What personal data is stored and used?
The law firm processes the following categories of personal data about clients, the client’s family members, counterparties and other natural persons:
- General contact information, including name, address, phone number and email address
- IP addresses
- Social Security No.
- Legitimation documentation, possibly copy of passport or driver’s license
- Financial and legal information
- Insurance information
- Social and personal information
- Health information
- Criminal information
- Employment information, including any information about trade union affiliation
The personal data is processed in digitized and in some cases physical form.
The purposes of processing
The law firm processes personal data(s) for the following purposes:
- to provide legal assistance in disputes before ordinary courts, professional and non-professional arbitration, boards, etc.
- to provide assistance in connection with the implementation of business transactions concerning the law firm’s clients, for example business transfers
- to provide legal and related advice to clients in various areas of law that fall within the law firm’s business areas
- to provide assistance for the rectification of clients’ legal relationships, for example the completion of the purchase of real estate
Processing of personal data(s) will be limited to what is necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) in question.
Collection of personal data
Personal data processed by the Law Firm will be i) provided by the registered person himself, ii) received from a third party, for example the courts, public authorities, counterparties and their lawyers, witnesses or other persons involved in cases handled by the Law Firm, or iii) collected by the Law Firm from public registers, in particular the Civil Registry, the Personal Register, the CVR register and the CPR register, or iv) collected by the Law Firm from other public sources, including the Internet.
Basis for processing personal data
The legal basis for the law firm’s processing of personal data is one or more of the following:
- for the purpose of fulfilling an agreement with the client, including an agreement on legal representation in legal proceedings or an agreement on the provision of legal advice,
- so that legal claims can be established, asserted or defended, including for example when the law firm participates in a lawsuit,
- in certain cases where it is necessary for the law firm to safeguard a legitimate interest, where consideration for the registered person does not precede this
- to meet money laundering regulations applicable to lawyers
Sharing of personal data
The following natural and legal persons will, to the relevant extent, be able to access personal data as part of the law firm’s case processing:
- courts/tribunals, arbitration courts, appeals boards and public authorities, which can make decisions in pending cases
- counterparties and their lawyers who are involved in legal proceedings or legal relationships to which the registered party is a party
- other parties and their lawyers in complex cases handled by the law firm
- banks, estate agents and other companies/companies that have a relevant role in processing the Law Firm’s cases
- insurance companies that provide legal aid coverage or that otherwise represent a party’s interest in a case in which the law firm is a party
- experts and other persons, including witnesses, involved in a case
- employees at the Law Firm
- public authorities who are entitled by law to demand the release of personal data, or to whom the law firm has a duty to report, for example in connection with money laundering regulations
- Representatives of the Bar Association in connection with supervision in accordance with applicable regulations for lawyers
- public authorities, if required by law, including in specific cases with a view to combating online fraud and other criminal activities or attempts thereof
Sharing/disclosure takes place only where it is necessary for the Law Firm’s processing of a case and related administrative and financially justified tasks, for example invoicing.
Personal data can, when it is relevant for the processing of the case, be transferred to other countries both within and outside the EU. The law firm carefully selects its business partners and attaches great importance to ensuring that information about cases is always treated confidentially.
Duration of storage
The law firm stores the personal data for as long as it (i) is relevant for the law firm’s performance of the duties, (ii) is necessary to meet any claims that may be raised against the klinten or the law firm, and in addition (iii) as long as it is necessary to could look after the client’s interests and meet the client’s needs.
The personal data is deleted as a rule 5 years after the end of the case, but this depends on a specific assessment in each individual case.
In this assessment, emphasis is placed on the nature of the assistance provided, documentation considerations and the relevant legislation, including in particular the bookkeeping rules, the rules on conflict of interest and general rules on the limitation of property law claims, as well as the client’s need to be able to access the information in the future.
A client can terminate the law firm’s duties at any time, just as an appointment can be terminated by the appointing authority. However, even in this situation, the law firm is subject to a number of rules and obligations which make it necessary to store the personal data for a longer period.
Safety measures
The law firm secures personal data through both technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the registered person’s information against unauthorized access, manipulation, destruction/deletion or loss of information.
The law firm uses ParagrafPro / Fagerdata ApS as system supplier for processing, and personal data is stored on servers operated in-house. .
Data processing agreements have been entered into which guarantee the relevant, recommended and statutory security measures and consequent protection of the personal data processed by the law firm.
The law firm has determined that other lawyers and employees at the law firm may only access personal data, to the extent that this is relevant for the processing of the case. The persons in the law firm who gain access to personal data are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
The data subject’s rights
The natural person about whom the law firm stores information, including typically the client, has the following rights in relation to the law firm:
- Access to information on which personal data about the person in question has been registered by the law firm.
- The right to have incorrect information about the person concerned corrected by the law firm.
- The right to have information about the person concerned deleted when the registration is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes above and is not prevented by a task/duty incumbent on the Law Firm pursuant to Danish or EU legislation.
- The right to limit the processing of personal data about the person concerned, when the correctness or incorrectness of the personal data in question cannot be ascertained, or the personal data must be used as evidence.
- Access to be forwarded in a structured, common and machine-readable format, possibly by e-mail, to the person in question himself, or to one of the newly appointed lawyers in question or another third party, the information that the person in question himself has submitted to the law firm.
The law firm does not inform a person who is not a client about this personal data policy, including the person’s rights according to this section, if the law firm’s processing of the personal data is covered by the law firm’s duty of confidentiality, and this will be compromised by the information.